Freitag, 17. Februar 2006

Verrücktes Westaustralien

Blechpferde und Hunde im Pick up

Blechpferde am Rande des Highway oder Toiletten-Ausstellungen: Westaustralien hat nicht nur unberührte Natur und traumhafte Strände zu bieten. Der größte Bundesstaat Down Unders ist auch Heimat der verrücktesten und witzigsten Veranstaltungen und Sehenswürdigkeiten.
Hunde und Pick ups sind das Markenzeichen Westaustraliens. Und so kommen jedes Jahr im April mehr als 1500 Pick up Fahrer mit ihren Hunden nach Corrigin, einem kleinen Örtchen im Südwesten des Landes. Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, jedes Jahr aufs Neue den Weltrekord zu brechen. Dafür müssen möglichst viele Pick ups auftauchen, die hinten auf der Ladefläche einen lebenden Hund haben. Natürlich geht es nicht nur darum sondern vor allem auch darum, einen Tag lang zu feiern. Das Geld, das dabei zusammen kommt, wird für wohltätige Zwecke in der Region verwendet. Mehr Infos hier.

Westlich von Perth liegt das kleine Nest Kulin, das berühmt für seinen Blechpferd-Highway ist. Monatelang basteln die Bewohner der Region phantasievolle Pferde aus Blech, die jährlich ab Oktober am Straßenrand, dem so genannten Tin Horse Highway, aufgestellt werden: Tin Horse Highway.

Wer schon einmal auf Reisen in abgelegenen Regionen war, kennt das Problem: Wo gibt es eine saubere Toilette? Auf dem Weg von Perth nach Kalgoorlie finden Reisende nicht die typischen Outback-Toilette mit knarrender Tür und Spinnenweben an der Decke, sondern eine ganze Toiletten-Ausstellung mit den neusten und komfortabelsten „Buschklo“-Modellen Westaustraliens zur Ansicht und Benutzung. Zusammengetragen und aufgestellt von den Besitzern des Two Dogs Hardware Shop in Merridin.
Mehr Informationen zu Westaustralien gibt es unter Tourism Western Australia.

Gold rush on Perth's doorstep


The sleepy town of Boddington, 130km south-east of Perth, is experiencing a modern-day gold rush as it prepares to host what will be Australia's biggest gold mine. Property prices have skyrocketed, vacant land has been snapped up and confidence in the area is at an all-time high as the owners of the Boddington Gold Mine finalise their plans to spend $1.8 billion reopening and expanding the project.

Since the mine was closed in 2001, gold prices have soared and a final decision is due within a fortnight. But detailed planning is already under way to accommodate a construction workforce of 1000 at a camp on the outskirts of Boddington. During the two-year construction phase, it is estimated $39 million could be injected into the Peel region and $410 million into the WA economy. During its 15-year life, the mine is expected to add $550 million to the Peel economy and $770 million State-wide.

It is predicted another 300 homes will be needed in Boddington to house up to 60 per cent of the 650 permanent workers needed at the mine from 2008. The rest are expected to travel from as far away as Perth and Mandurah. Boddington Shire chief executive Peter Bradbrook said serious infrastructure shortfalls had to be fixed if the town was to cope with the predicted doubling of its population of 1000.

Further housing development could not take place until there was an upgrade of the water supply and the infill sewerage program was brought forward. Mr Bradbrook said these and other needs would be included in a submission to State Cabinet. The area was also seeking a new medical centre, an indoor recreation centre, assistance to attract and house support staff, along with plant and equipment.

Peel Development Commission chief executive Maree De Lacey said the organisation had briefed new Peel Minister Norm Marlborough on the issue this week. Boddington real estate agents say house prices have skyrocketed in the past six months and they are fielding endless calls from investors and prospective employees. There has also been a flow on to surrounding towns.

Lisa Carrotts, from CRT Rural and Metro Realty, said a year ago four-bedroom, two-bathroom homes were selling in Boddington for about $140,000. Today they were more than $300,000. Two years ago she had up to 30 listings, she now has one. Ms Carrotts and husband Paul, the deputy shire president, are about to start work on a four-unit retail development, the first of its kind in the quiet main street.

Next door, a new post office is about to be built while the local hardware store has doubled its floor space. "Everyone in business here is getting a bit excited and hoping to get a slice of the cake," Cr Carrotts said. As a local of 45 years, Cr Carrotts described it as an exciting time for Boddington. We have been waiting nearly six years for this," he said. "They have done a couple of studies but this is the best one."

US gold giant Newmont this week bought out Newcrest Mining's share in the mine for $225 million.
Newmont now holds two-thirds of the mine and AngloGold Ashanti one-third. If the final go-ahead is given on February 27, Boddington could rank alongside Newcrest's Telfer gold mine in the Pilbara as Australia's biggest, producing almost a million ounces of gold and 32,000 tonnes of copper a year.

We’re Happy With Hamilton Island! Virgin Blue Reconfirms Its Commitment

Brisbane 12 January 2006: Virgin Blue has reassured Hamilton Island of its plan to continue and expand flights to the island haven after growing demand in the past six months and a record month in December.
The airline launched flights between Brisbane and Hamilton Island in June 2005, and following strong bookings, upgraded its aircraft from a 144 seat Boeing 737-700 to a 180 seat Boeing 737-800 series aircraft and added extra flights over the current Christmas-school holiday period taking its schedule to a double daily service.
Virgin Blue Chief Executive, Brett Godfrey, says the move has paid off.




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Februar 2006


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